Robots.txt Generator

Custom Robots.txt Generator for Bloggers

Leave blank if you don't have.

Google Image
Google Mobile
MSN Search
Yahoo MM
Yahoo Blogs
DMOZ Checker
MSN PicSearch

The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

Robots.txt Generator


We're excited to present the Blogger Custom Robots.txt Generator - a tool designed to refine and optimize how search engines navigate and index your blog. This online solution, designed with content creators and bloggers in mind, is ideal for those seeking to gain control and enhance their blog's visibility in search engines.


The creation of a robots.txt file has never been easier. The Blogger Custom Robots.txt Generator enables you to design a bespoke robots.txt file smoothly that guides search engines on where they can and cannot navigate. The tool features an intuitive design, ensuring that even bloggers with limited technical know-how can efficiently manage their blog's search engine visibility.


Step into the manager's role of your blog's SEO strategy by easily identifying the areas you wish search engines to concentrate on and those you would rather remain unexplored. This accessible generator allows you to modify instructions for different bots, giving you flexibility and control over how your content is accessed and viewed.


Key Features:


Easy-to-Use: Navigate our intuitive interface effortlessly to create a tailored robots.txt file. Whether you're an experienced developer or a newcomer exploring the realms of search engine optimization, our interface is designed to cater to your needs.

Controlled Page Access: Dictate precise commands for search engine bots, enabling you to control which site segments are crawled and indexed, enhancing the visibility of your key content.

Quick Problem-Solving: Discover and resolve potential issues promptly by examining the produced robots.txt file, ensuring that your website's crucial pages are accessible to search engines while keeping sensitive or redundant content concealed.

Custom Rules for User-Agents: Customize instructions for different search engine bots by formulating specific rules for each user-agent, offering detailed control over how varied search engines engage with your website.

Instant Preview: Track the implications of your robots.txt file with an instant preview, ascertaining that the instructions align with your planned SEO approach and content accessibility objectives.


Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting your online journey, the Custom Robots.txt Generator for Blogger is your ally in optimizing search engine interactions without complex coding. Empower your blog with enhanced visibility and control over how it appears in search results – start using the Custom Robots.txt Generator for Blogger today and elevate your blog's SEO game.